Rose Hill Funeral & Cremation Care, Inc. strives to provide personalized and meaningful services to meet the personal desires of the families we serve. We help hundreds of families every year, and each service is different, because each life that was lived is unique. We know that the details can be overwhelming at the time of loss, so our staff will help guide families through the various options they have. Together we will create a memorable service that has true meaning.
After choosing where and when a service or gathering would take place, Rose Hill Funeral & Cremation Care, Inc. incorporates technology to personalize many aspects of the service.
Memory boards and tables have become a common way to personalize a funeral service. Photographs and other memorabilia can be displayed at the visitation and service. These items are often cherished and stimulate positive memories regarding the deceased. In this way, they also lend comfort to those left behind. Memory table space is provided to display items of significance. If someone had a hobby or was involved in the arts, crafts or photography we encourage families to bring examples of some of their work to be displayed.
Memorial folders have traditionally been used at memorial or funeral services. By personalizing the memorial folder with photos, verses or special sayings, the memorial folder becomes a keepsake for those who want to preserve cherished memories of someone special. We offer design assistance in-house at a significant savings relative to sending them out to be produced professionally.
A video tribute contains photographs, video clips and a custom soundtrack all directed towards celebrating memorable and meaningful times during a life lived. We have equipped our funeral homes to play the video tribute at the time of visitation, gathering and/or service. Powerful when incorporated into the funeral service, a video tribute also preserves memories for a longtime to come. Reaction received from families utilizing this service suggests that the video tribute will be considered a family treasure. If you are interested in incorporating a video tribute into the funeral service, it is advisable to select the pictures ahead of time so that they can be brought to the arrangement conference.
Simple items such as a memory box can be used to rekindle and preserve favorite memories. For example, family and friends may write a note to say goodbye in their own way or alternatively place items special to them in the memory box. The memory box is placed in the burial or cremation casket with their loved one. We've often seen young people find meaning in decorating the box so that not only the items inside but also the decoration outside lend personalization.
Music can be a wonderful way to evoke emotion and set the tone of the service or gathering. Our staff can coordinate with musicians at a church, our own in-house musicians, or contact professional musicians in our community. We also have the ability to play pre-recorded music on CDs or iPods. You can highlight a song or two for the service, or build a soundtrack to play at a visitation or memorial gathering. We own a large library of music that we offer to the families we serve.
We encourage participation in the service by family members and friends whenever possible. Not everyone is comfortable speaking before a group of family and friends, but stories can be written down and read. Consider incorporating eulogists into the funeral service. Often close friends or family know the deceased better than the presiding clergy and as such can better reflect on the life of the deceased in a more personal way.